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6 Easy Tips for Successful Photo Shoots with Kids

As a lifestyle photographer in Bradenton, it's my job to understand what it takes to photograph your family beautifully. When it comes to photo shoots with kids, however, there's plenty you can do to help make your session successful!

There's no denying that young kids aren't the most cooperative models in the world. They're curious, they're excited, they might even be a little shy.

What they're not, however, is trained circus monkeys!

Getting them to put all of that youthful energy away to stand and "pose" during your family photoshoot is like asking someone to turn the sky red - it's probably not going to happen.

If you want to make the most of your session with little ones, though, keep these six tips in mind!

#1: Don't Skip Their Nap

If you're lucky enough to have a child that still naps during the day, the day of your session is not the time to let them skip it!

Trust me when I say that I know what a "nap-less" child looks like. My youngest is still a regular napper, and the evenings when she doesn't have one are less than pleasant. Let your little one lay down and rest in the afternoon before the shoot - you'll be glad you did in the long run!

#2: Bring Plenty of Snacks (or Feed Them Before You Come)

I'm the kind of person that fully understands what it feels like to be a little hangry...I'm assuming the sensation is 10x worse for our kids.

Just because you're in the middle of a family photo shoot doesn't mean the begging for snacks and cries of starvation are going to come to an end. Come to your session prepared! Either feed them a small meal before you arrive or pack plenty of Goldfish and Cheerios to get them through.

#3: Bribery = A Successful Family Photography Session in Bradenton

Listen, I know bribes might not be the best parenting technique, but if you want your lifestyle photography session in Bradenton or Sarasota to go smoothly, it's probably time to bust them out. Promises of ice cream, candy, and treats post-session are a great way to squeeze out as many smiles as possible.

#4: Put Away Your Pinterest Dreams

So, you're gearing up for your family photo session, and you head to Pinterest to look for ideas. You'll probably come face-to-face with some perfectly posed families with well-behaved, smiling children.

I'm not going to say this is impossible because it's definitely not, but don't get wrapped up in the wish for the "perfect family photo."

Let your child be little - I'm of the opinion that sometimes the best photos with kids are the candid shots when you give them the chance to play and be themselves.

Side note: Don't let this section confuse you! Pinterest is an incredible resource that I highly suggest parents use to gather ideas for their session - just don't get caught up in achieving "perfection."

#5: Be Silly

If you've ever had a family photography session with Studio West Photography, it's possible you've heard me meowing at your kids or seen me jumping around like a crazy person.

Disclaimer: If you haven't shot with me, no, I haven't lost my mind. You just do what you've got to do!

I do this to try and engage with your child and get those natural smiles we all love so much. Don't be afraid to join in the fun! Play with your kids during your lifestyle photoshoot. You know them better than anyone. You know what will make them laugh, smile, and be silly. Use that knowledge and put it to work during your session.

I once had a mom whose son was way into bathroom humor (what kid isn't, if we're honest.) So, she added an app to her phone before the shoot with hundreds of different fart noises - let me tell you, it got the job done!

#6: Just Relax!

Your session might not go the way you believed it would, but let me tell you something - we'll still capture beautiful photos for your family!

If you take nothing else away from this post but this, you'll be doing good: just relax and enjoy the experience!

I get that photography sessions aren't the most relaxing event in the world. This doesn't mean, however, that there aren't still ways to enjoy them. Loosen up and appreciate this unique opportunity with your family. You'll love the final results if you do!

And if it seems like your little one is running around like a wild banshee, don't stress. Let Studio West Photography do our job - I'll make sure you get the results you're looking for.

Are you interested in setting up a family photography session in Bradenton or Sarasota? I would love to work with your family! Send me a message today to learn more.

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